Temporary loss-carry back extension

What is loss carry back? Loss carry back provides a refundable tax offset. Refundable tax offsets can reduce the amount of tax you are liable to pay to zero, which may result in a refundable amount. The amount of tax offset may be affected by your net exempt income, income tax liabilities and the surplus in your franking account. For loss carry-backs – The extension will allow eligible companies to carry back tax losses from the 2022-23 income year to offset previously taxed profits as far back as the 2018-19 income year.
Date of effectLosses from the 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22 or 2022-23 income years

Companies with an aggregated turnover of less than $5 billion will be able to carry back losses from the 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22 and 2022-23 income years to offset previously taxed profits in the 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21 and 2021-22 income years.

The tax refund will be available on election by eligible businesses when they lodge their 2020-21, 2021-22 and 2022-23 tax returns.

Before the measure was introduced in the 2020-21 Budget, companies were required to carry losses forward to offset profits in future years. Companies that do not elect to carry back losses can still carry losses forward as normal.

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